Latest Features
Read about Upstream's latest features and product launches. Learn how to get the most out of Upstream.

What's New at Upstream? Paid Members Public
Keep reading to learn about new features we launched this month at Upstream.

How to Host an Event on Upstream Paid Members Public
This is how you can host your own event on Upstream.

Protect Your Digital Assets with the Vault DAO Paid Members Public
Keep your cryptocurrency and NFTs safe with Upstream's Vault DAO.

Upstream's New Look 👀 Paid Members Public
We’re excited about the future of equitable communities, which is why we’re going all in on being the go-to-platform to start your DAO.

New Feature: Activity Feed Paid Members Public
We’re excited to announce that Activity Feeds are now live in Upstream Collectives.

New Function: Abstain from Voting Paid Members Public
We’re super excited to share that now you can abstain from voting on a proposal. Now instead of having to vote yes or no, you can abstain.

New Feature: NFTs As Profile Photos Paid Members Public
We’re thrilled to announce that you can now use any NFT in your connected crypto wallet as your profile photo on Upstream.

New Feature: Polls for DAOs Paid Members Public
You can now take a poll in your DAO on Upstream. Polls make it easy to take a quick pulse of the DAO’s sentiment.